About us

It all started with a smashed plate – some might even call it fate!
Newcastle’s beloved Darby Street has been home to Three Monkeys for more than 20 years – serving over 1.5million customers (crazy right?!). Ant was fortunate enough to take over in 2002 and has never looked back!
Fate bought Nic and Ant together from the very beginning when Nic was offered a trial and smashed plates on his first day! At the time was looking for a new manager and Nic, despite his plate debacle, didn’t hesitate when putting his hand up for the gig! Now they’ve both been lucky enough to become not only wonderful business partners, but great friends.
For Ant, Monkeys has been the most amazing experience of his life.
“It has taught me an incredible amount about food, coffee, wine & people. As much as I love food, coffee & wine it has been the people that have always made The Monkeys the special place it is.”
“We are extremely lucky to have the most amazing customers and staff you could ask for. But most of all The Monkeys introduced me to my wife Lizzy who would then give me the other two great loves of our lives, Atticus & Flynn, for that there are no words.”
“The Monkeys continues to be an amazing journey. I mean how much amazing food, great coffee & fantastic people can you fit into one small cafe? Apparently a lot!”
For Nick, Monkeys is all about meeting new people and sharing such amazing experiences with them.